ROX-Lubricants reaches across the country thanks to ts customer-orent- ed servce and product servces, actve sales team, dealers and strong organ- zaton network. ROX-Lubricants has proven ts success by rankng among the top 5 consecutvely as a Turksh brand among global companes n “Stars of Export” awards granted by İKMİB thanks to ts export to over 89 countres.ROX-Lubricants dstrbutes to Afrca, Asa, Europe.

ROX-Lubricants contnuously devel- ops ts ol technology nts

ROX-Lubricants office based n Mer- sn, Ankara and İstanbul, and provdes hundreds of superor qualty dfferent products wth a close follow-up n ol sector n the country as well as around the world.

ROX-Lubricants adopts a human re- sources approach that prortzes em- ployee mprovement n order to keep up wth developments around the world. ROX-Lubricants contnues to mantan ts leadng poston n the sector by closely followng up technologcal changes, makng new nvestments, and wth a msson of manufacturng hgh qualty products and servces n order to foster our country’s employ- ment rate and sustanable develop- ment.