5W-20 | API SN 5W – 20

5W-20 - API SN 5W - 20

5W-20 - API SN 5W - 20

5W-20 - API SN 5W - 20

5W-20 – API SN 5W – 20

 Product Description                  

Passenger Engne Ol – Multgrade Seres s an advanced full synthetc motor ol eng- neered for the latest gasolne and desel (wthout DPFs) engne technology delverng ex- cellent all-around performance. It provdes exceptonal cleanng power, wear protecton and overall performance. Ths Seres keeps your engne runnng lke new and protects for 7000 klometers



is recommended for all types of modern gasolne-powered vehcles, ncludng hgh-per- formance turbocharged, supercharged, mult-valve fuel njected engnes found n passenger cars, SUVs, lght vans and lght trucks.

is a high performancemotorolforalltypesofcarswhereths vscosty s recommended. is not recommended for 2-Cycle or avaton engnes, unless specfically approved by the manufacturer.


 Health and safety                       

All packages should be stored under cover. Where outsde storage s unavodable, should be lad horzontally to avod the possble ngress of water and the oblteraton of packng markngs. Products should not be stored above 60C, ex- posed to hot sun or freezng condtons.


Features and Benefits               

  • Meets or exceeds the latest applcable OEM and ndustry
  • Provdes excellent overall
  • Has excellent low temperature capabltes for rapd engne protecton at start-up.
  • Has enhanced frctonal propertes that ads fuel
  • Delversfastprotectonforreducedengnewear and deposts
  • Provdesexceptonalcleanngpowerforyour


Specifications and Approvals         

API SN/CF, API SL, API SJ, BMW Longlfe 01, MB-Approval 229.3, MB-Appoval 229.5, RENAULTRN0700,RENAULTRn0 710,VW50200,VW50500