ISO-32 | ISO VG – 32

ISO-32 - ISO VG - 32

ISO-32 - ISO VG - 32

ISO-32 - ISO VG - 32

ISO-32 – ISO VG – 32

Product Description                   

Hydraulic AWl Series oils are good quality anti-wear hydraulic oils intended for industrial and mobile service applications, subjected to moderatr operalins con- cilions and requiring ank-wear lubricants.

Thev are formulated to deliver 8000 pertormance in a range of hydraulic combo- nentsusedinsystemssubjedtedtomoderdteoseraungconditions



Hydraulic is a nigh quality hydraulic fluid specincall, For asticulural and construc- tion machinerywhens

not required a high viscosity index lubricant Hydraulic orovides high protection of the components of the hvdraulic system azoins: Wedlrrues deliver lubricating conunuty prevenung covisator and removing the heat. Hydraulic contains specia additivps. which give the fluid the indispensable antioxidant characteristics for withstanding the thermal stress to which it is subjected.


 Health and safety                       

All packages should be stored under cover. Where outside storage is unavoidable, Should be laid horizontallyto avoid the possible ingress of water and the oblito-

ration of packing markings. Products should not be stored above 60c. exposed to not sun ortreezins conditions


Features and Benefits                

Hydraulic AW Series It provides very good anti-wear Porotecton and ex.ends nydrault comoen sie

  • Good anti-wear pertormance helps reduce pump wear and prolonging pump
  • Corrosion protertion hens reduce thp etects of moisture on sustem components
  • filterability to prevent hiter blockage even the dresenceo-water.


Specfications and Approvals              

DIN 51524 HLP, Denison HF-0/HF-1/HF-2 . NH 668 . MS-1216, SDFG01-1468